There have been 11 recoveries of British or Irish ringed Robins found in Finland. All of these were ringed on the East coast of Britain at places like Lincolnshire, Suffolk, East Yorkshire, Shetland and Orkney. These Robins would be birds that bred or hatched in Scandinavia, or on the near continent, and then migrated through Britain and France on their way to the Mediterranean.
Interestingly the Hampshire Robin was ringed in December and could have actually been wintering in the UK before migrating back to Finland. Could this be the start of something new?
View Robin Recoveries in a larger map
This was the first ever ringing session in Jackie's garden with a total was 25 birds caught and this Robin was the first bird she caught. A Blackbird was also ringed, that was later found in Sweden! Not a bad ringing session at all.
Thanks to Adrian Blackburn for letting us know and to John Harding for the photo.
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