The larch plantations of Wentwood Forest, Gwent, hold good populations of Wood Warbler, and it looks like they are heading for a really good season this year. I have been studying them here since 2001 and this year the early arrivals didn't waste any time in getting on with nesting. My earliest first hatch dates have generally been between 20th and 29th May, and this year is at least 3 days earlier and I have already ringed 10 broods, three of these will have fledged by now. Clutch size is also high - during the past ten years I have only had three clutches of seven eggs (2 in 2009 and 1 in 2004) but this year I have already had four, and it certainly looks like the early spring and weather has benefited them.

We've only had 3 reports of Wood Warblers from 2009 to now, moving any distance and these were all seen by ringers alive or colour ring reports. One of these birds travelled from Macclesfield Forest, Cheshire to Coed Bwich-Glas, Powys (147km in 3 years, not including its annual trip to Africa).
Thanks to Jerry Lewis for letting us know about his great work and to John Bowers for the photo.
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